There are several Programs at the University of Pittsburgh. Why should I apply to Biological Sciences?
In addition to our Programs in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB) and Ecology and Evolution (EE), there are several excellent graduate programs in the medical school. So, how do our programs differ from those? The EE program is unique in its programmatic content, and there is no other Program in the city of Pittsburgh where you can obtain an advanced degree in ecology and evolution. However, our MCDB program has thematic overlap with many of the graduate programs in the medical school. Nonetheless, there are several features that distinguish our Department from others. The research interests of our interactive faculty are broad, so as a graduate student you will benefit from exposure to, and training in, the nexus of disciplines that must converge to answer questions in modern biology. In addition, our student to faculty ratio (about 2:1) ensures that each student receives hands-on, advanced training and the mentoring needed to transition into a successful career. Moreover, each class develops close bonds throughout their first year, forging friendships and professional relationships that last through graduate school and beyond. Finally, our graduate students really love it here. If you have further questions, just contact our faculty or graduate students directly via e-mail.
If I am interested in microbiology, genetics, or biochemistry should I apply to your Department?
Absolutely. Our Department has many faculty that carry out cutting edge research in each of these fields. MCDB may be the most appropriate Program for you, but the EE Program may also fit depending on your long term goals and background.
How many students do you admit each year?
Our extensive experience has shown that students benefit from the individualized training that comes from modest class sizes and low student to faculty ratios. We aim for a class of 12 students with 3-4 EE students and 8-9 MCDB students, but class sizes vary from year to year.
When do you make decision on admissions?
The Admissions Committee begins reviewing applications in December, contacts students in January and February, and makes offers in late February and March.