
Greenhouse external

Conveniently located atop Langley Hall is a modern greenhouse complex which allows scientists to conduct simultaneous experiments requiring different growth environments. The greenhouse facility is managed by Laurie Follweiler. Two large greenhouses (1243 gsf each) and three smaller greenhouses (400 gsf each) are computer-controlled for light, humidity and temperature. An adjoining head house provides an area for plant preparation.  

Greenhouse Inside

Additional controlled preparation and growth space is provided by 5 walk-in growth chambers, and 5 germination chambers and a prep room located on the ground floor. These facilties are used by plant biologists for ecological and evolutionary research and teaching.

Titan ArumTo see our March 5, 2011 blooming of Amorphophallus titanum (the Titan Arum) - the species of plant which is known to produce the world’s largest unbranched inflorescence - click here.