Dr. Guerriero's PhD research focused on the role of lipid metabolism in
biosynthetic protein trafficking in polarized epithelial cells. This research
spawned his interest in the folding and trafficking decisions that occur early in the biosynthetic pathway. In 2009, he joined Dr. Jeff Brodsky's lab to study the mechanisms that select and target misfolded proteins for degradation in the secretory pathway, termed ER-associated Degradation (ERAD).
Currently, Dr. Guerriero's research is focused on understanding the
quality control machinery that recognizes misfolded membrane-spanning proteins. His research has recently expanded to include computational modeling of ERAD substrate hydrophobicity and how it impacts the degradation process.
Kolb, A. R., P. G. Needham, C. Rothenberg, C. J
Neal, M.D., J. Hongpeng, B. Eyer, M. Good, C. J
Guerriero, C. J., K. F. Weiberth, and J. L. Bro
Kilpatrick, K., Novoa, J.A., Hancock, T., Guerr
Szalinski, C.M., Guerriero, C.J., Ruis, W.G., D
Guerriero, C.J. and Brodsky, J.L (2012) The del
Cui, S.*, and Guerriero C.J.*, Szalinski, C.M.,
Miedel, M.T., Y. Rbaibi, C.J. Guerriero, G. Colletti, K.M. Weixel, O.A. Weisz, and K. Kiselyov (2
Guerriero, C.J., Lai, Y., and Weisz, O.A. Diffe
Weixel, K.M., Edinger, R.S., Kester, L., Guerri
Cresawn, K.O., Potter, B.A., Oztan, A., Guerrie
Guerriero, C.J. and Weisz, O.A. (2007) The N-WA
Guerriero, C.J., Weixel, K.M., Bruns, J.R., and
Ellis, M.A. Miedel M.T. Guerriero, C.J.,
Dr. Guerriero received his PhD in 2008 in Cell Biology and Molecular
Physiology from his work in Ora Weisz's Lab at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine. In 2009, Dr. Guerriero started his postdoctoral studies in
Jeff Brodsky's lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of
Pittsburgh. In 2014, Dr. Guerriero was promoted to research assistant professor.
Renal and Epithelial Cell Biology T32 training grant (T32-DK061296) (July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006)
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2008)
American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship 09POST2140058 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)
National Institutes of Health NRSA F32-1F32GM090364-01 (July 1, 2010 - December, 31, 2012)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease DK101584 (May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2019)