Chris Guerriero

  • Research Assistant Professor


Office: (412) 624-4830
A321 Langley Hall
5th and Ruskin Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Dr. Guerriero's PhD research focused on the role of lipid metabolism in
biosynthetic protein trafficking in polarized epithelial cells. This research
spawned his interest in the folding and trafficking decisions that occur early in the biosynthetic pathway. In 2009, he joined Dr. Jeff Brodsky's lab to study the mechanisms that select and target misfolded proteins for degradation in the secretory pathway, termed ER-associated Degradation (ERAD). 

Currently, Dr. Guerriero's research is focused on understanding the
quality control machinery that recognizes misfolded membrane-spanning proteins. His research has recently expanded to include computational modeling of ERAD substrate hydrophobicity and how it impacts the degradation process. 

Marcoline, F.V., N. Bethel, C.J. Guerrier

Marcoline, F.V., N. Bethel, C.J. Guerriero, J.L. Brodsky, and M. Grabe. Membrane protein properties revealed through data-rich electrostatics calculations. Structure (2015), In press

Kolb, A. R., P. G. Needham, C. Rothenberg, C. J

Kolb, A. R., P. G. Needham, C. Rothenberg, C. J. Guerriero, P. A. Welling, and J. L. Brodsky.  ESCRT regulates surface expression of the Kir2.1 potassium channel.  Mol. Biol. Cell (2014) 25: 276- 289

Neal, M.D., J. Hongpeng, B. Eyer, M. Good, C. J

Neal, M.D., J. Hongpeng, B. Eyer, M. Good, C. J. Guerriero, C. P. Sodhi, A. Afrazi, T. Prindle Jr, C. Ma, M. Branca, J. Ozoleck, T. R. Billiar, J. L. Brodsky, P. Wipf, and D. J. Hackam.  Discovery and Validation of a New Class of Small Molecule TLR4 Inhibitors that Attenuate Endotoxemia and Necrotizing Enterocolitis.  PLoS ONE (2013) 8 (6): e65779

Guerriero, C. J., K. F. Weiberth, and J. L. Bro

Guerriero, C. J., K. F. Weiberth, and J. L. Brodsky.  Hsp70 Targets a Cytoplasmic Quality Control Substrate to the San1p Ubiquitin Ligase.  J. Biol. Chem. (2013) 288: 18506-18520

Kilpatrick, K., Novoa, J.A., Hancock, T., Guerr

Kilpatrick, K., Novoa, J.A., Hancock, T., Guerriero, C.J., Wipf, P., Brodsky, J.L., and Segatori, L. Chemical induction of Hsp70 reduces alpha-synuclein aggregation in neuroglimoa cells. ACS Chem Biol.(2013)8:1460-8

Szalinski, C.M., Guerriero, C.J., Ruis, W.G., D

Szalinski, C.M., Guerriero, C.J., Ruis, W.G., Docter, B.E., Rbaibi, Y., Paster-Soler, N.M., Apodaca, G., Puthenveedu, M.A., and Weisz, O.A. PIP5K1Beta selectively modulates apical endocytosis in polarized renal epithelial cells. Plos One(2013)8:e53790

Guerriero, C.J. and Brodsky, J.L (2012) The del

Guerriero, C.J. and Brodsky, J.L (2012) The delicate balance between secreted protein folding and endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) in human physiology. Physiol Rev 92(2):537-76

Cui, S.*, and Guerriero C.J.*, Szalinski, C.M.,

Cui, S.*, and Guerriero C.J.*, Szalinski, C.M., Kinlough, C.L., Hughey, R.P. and Weisz, O.A. (2010) OCRL1 function in renal epithelial membrane traffic. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 298:F335-345

Miedel, M.T., Y. Rbaibi, C.J. Guerriero, G. Colletti, K.M. Weixel, O.A. Weisz, and K. Kiselyov (2

Miedel, M.T., Y. Rbaibi, C.J. Guerriero, G. Colletti, K.M. Weixel, O.A. Weisz, and K. Kiselyov (2008) Membrane traffic and turnover in TRP-ML1-deficient cells: a revised model for mucolipidosis type IV pathogenesis. J. Exp. Med. 205:1477-1490

Guerriero, C.J., Lai, Y., and Weisz, O.A. Diffe

Guerriero, C.J., Lai, Y., and Weisz, O.A. Differential sorting and Golgi export requirements for raft-associated and raft-independent apical proteins along the biosynthetic pathway. J. Biol. Chem.(2008)283:18040-7

Weixel, K.M., Edinger, R.S., Kester, L., Guerri

Weixel, K.M., Edinger, R.S., Kester, L., Guerriero, C.J., Wang, H., Fang, L., Kleyman, T.R., Welling, P.A., Weisz, O.A., and Johnson, J.P. (2007) Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate 5-Kinase Reduces Cell Surface Expression of the Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) in Cultured Collecting Duct Cells J Biol Chem 282(50):36534-42

Cresawn, K.O., Potter, B.A., Oztan, A., Guerrie

Cresawn, K.O., Potter, B.A., Oztan, A., Guerriero, C.J., Ihrke, G., Goldenring, J.R., Apodaca, G., and Weisz, O.A. (2007) Differential involvement of endocytic compartments in the biosynthetic traffic of apical proteins. EMBO 26(16):3737-48

Guerriero, C.J. and Weisz, O.A. (2007) The N-WA

Guerriero, C.J. and Weisz, O.A. (2007) The N-WASP inhibitor Wiskostatin Non-selectively Perturbs Membrane Transport by Decreasing Cellular ATP Levels. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol Apr;292(4):C1562-6

Guerriero, C.J., Weixel, K.M., Bruns, J.R., and

Guerriero, C.J., Weixel, K.M., Bruns, J.R., and Weisz, O.A. (2006) Phosphatidylinositol 5-Kinase stimulates apical biosynthetic delivery via Arp2/3-dependent mechanism. J Biol Chem 281:15376-84

Ellis, M.A. Miedel M.T. Guerriero, C.J.,

Ellis, M.A. Miedel M.T. Guerriero, C.J., and Weisz O.A. (2004) ARF1-independent protein sorting and export from the trans-Golgi network. J Biol Chem 279:52735-43

Dr. Guerriero received his PhD in 2008 in Cell Biology and Molecular
Physiology from his work in Ora Weisz's Lab at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine. In 2009, Dr. Guerriero started his postdoctoral studies in
Jeff Brodsky's lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of
Pittsburgh. In 2014, Dr. Guerriero was promoted to research assistant professor.

  • Renal and Epithelial Cell Biology T32 training grant (T32-DK061296) (July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006)

  • American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2008)

  • American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship 09POST2140058 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)

  • National Institutes of Health NRSA F32-1F32GM090364-01 (July 1, 2010 - December, 31, 2012)

  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease DK101584 (May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2019)