I am a behavioral ecologist, interested in the micro- and macroevolutionary processes that promote diversity. My research has explored questions on the evolution of color signals, color vision, and flight morphology. I am particularly interested in understanding the evolution of color signals, how they are perceived by intended and unintended receivers and the role of these audiences in driving population and species divergence. I also study the evolution of flight morphology because wings are large conspicuous body surfaces that can be also used as motion signal vehicles for intra- and interspecific communication. I use an integrative, multidisciplinary approach, combining physiological, ecological and behavioral studies in the field and in the lab, with modeling and state-of-the-art statistical analyses. My main study animals are dragonflies, damselflies, butterflies and spiders.
Outomuro D, Urhan U, Brodin A, Johansson F. 2020.
Outomuro D, Johansson F. 2019. Wing morphology and
Rivas-Torres A, Outomuro D, Lorenzo-Carballa MO, C
Outomuro D, Johansson F. 2017. A potential pitfall
Sniegula S, Prus MA, Golab MJ, Outomuro D. 2017. D
Outomuro D, Söderquist L, Johansson F, Ödeen A, No
Outomuro D, Ángel-Giraldo P, Corral-Lopez A, Realp
Outomuro D, Söderquist L, Nilsson-Örtman V, Cortáz
Outomuro D, Johansson F. 2015. Bird predation sele
Outomuro D, Söderquist L, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Jo
Outomuro D, Cordero Rivera A, Nava-Bolaños A, Córd
Outomuro D, Rodríguez-Martínez S, Karlsson A, Joha
Outomuro D, Dijkstra K-DB, Johansson F. 2013. Habi
Outomuro D, Adams DC, Johansson F. 2013. Wing shap
Outomuro D, Adams DC, Johansson F. 2013. The evolu
Outomuro D, Cordero-Rivera A. 2012. Allometry of s
Outomuro D, Bokma F, Johansson F. 2012. Hind wing
Outomuro D, Ocharan FJ. 2011. The larval life hist
Outomuro D, Ocharan FJ. 2011. Wing pigmentation in
Outomuro D, Johansson F. 2011. The effects of lati
Outomuro D, Torralba-Burrial A, Ocharan FJ. 2010.
Eroukhmanoff F, Outomuro D, Ocharan FJ, Svensson E
Dr. Outomuro earned his PhD from Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) in 2011. He completed two postdoctoral appointments at Uppsala University (Sweden) and University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA), and worked as a Visiting Professor at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).