Kimberly Howell on how color vision can contribute to divergent mate preferences

University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences Presents

E&E Wednesday Noon Seminars 2017-2018

Graduate student Kimberly Howell - University of Pittsburgh

Does color vision contribute to mate preference divergence in a polymorphic poison frog?

The process of speciation is an important question in evolutionary biology. The contribution of sexual selection to speciation is a growing field, particularly female mate choice as a mechanism for producing divergent mate preferences. However, less attention has been put towards how the sensory processes involved in perceiving sexually selected traits are involved in producing divergent mate preferences which could lead to speciation. Here, I test how color vision can contribute to divergent mate preferences in the polymorphic poison frog, Oophaga pumilio at different life stages; looking at color vision differences between morphs in adults, as well as at the tadpole stage.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A219B Langley Hall

12:00 PM Seminar


21 Mar 2018

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E&E Seminars


A219B Langley Hall