Job Search: K-12 Outreach Visiting Lecturer

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh is accepting applications for a full-time, 12-month Visiting Lecturer position with an anticipated start date of 1 September 2022. This position is outside of the tenure stream and entails teaching an upper-division course within the applicant’s field of expertise, assisting the Outreach Director in designing K-12 Outreach programs and implementing lessons in classrooms and in out-of-school programs. We seek an outstanding applicant with a Ph.D. in a biological sciences discipline who can effectively communicate science with students of all ages. Other preferred qualifications include documented success in some or all of the following areas: (a) commitment to broadening participation of underrepresented minority groups in STEM, (b) experience in curriculum development in topics of ecology and molecular biology, (c) effective communication skills with a variety of groups (e.g., teachers, students, researchers), (d) experience collecting and reporting assessment data, and (e) molecular biology lab skills.

The Department of Biological Sciences is a highly interactive community dedicated to mutual success in our research, education, and outreach missions, and Pittsburgh is a city that is often voted “most livable” in the nation. Further information about the Department of Biological Sciences’ Outreach program is available at: We currently reach ~8000 students per year in ~60 schools.

To apply, candidates should submit PDF documents of the following to Talent Center ( (a) a letter of application, (b) a current CV, (c) a teaching portfolio inclusive of a teaching statement, example teaching materials, and teaching evaluations, (d) a brief description of how your teaching or service demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion, (e) a description of other relevant experience, if applicable, and how it would impact K-12 Outreach activities. At least two letters of reference should be sent by the recommenders to 

Applications will be reviewed starting on 15 July 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. The appointment requires administrative and budgetary approval The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences is committed to building and fostering a culturally diverse environment, so the ability to work effectively with a wide range of individuals and constituencies in support of a diverse community is essential


20 Jun 2022 to 15 Jul 2022

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