Benjamin Patty to speak

Benjamin Patty- Hainer Lab

"Establishing a nucleosome remodeling factor-based network of noncoding RNA regulation in ES cells"

Friday, October 9, 2020

12 PM

 Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 964 1226 0404


The majority of transcription from the mammalian genome generates non-protein coding RNA molecules, known as noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), which comprise a broad diversity of RNA molecules with roles in coding transcriptional regulation. Much remains unknown about these molecules, including their mechanisms of regulation. Previous work by Sarah Hainer identified the nucleosome remodeling factor esBAF as a global regulator of ncRNA expression at gene regulatory sites. Within mammals exist approximately 32 nucleosome remodeling enzymes that regulate chromatin structure through distinct mechanisms. Given the diversity of nucleosome remodeling factors and mechanisms of chromatin remodeling, we hypothesize that a network of nucleosome remodeling factors regulates ncRNA expression at gene regulatory sites in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Using depletion assays and nascent transcriptomics, I plan to resolve each member of this network and the ncRNAs they regulate. Future work will focus on determining novel chromatin-based mechanisms by which remodelers regulate ncRNA expression. Defining how nucleosome remodeling factors influence ncRNAs is fundamental to a comprehensive understanding of these interesting biological molecules.


09 Oct 2020

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