All student employment for the Biological Sciences Department can be found on the Pittsource website. Once hired you will receive an email from HR with a link to complete all your paperwork online. Your I9 is a two part process, the first part is online, the second part to complete it you must go to one of the locations listed in the email with your ID. Do not start working until all requirements are met.
You are a new employee/workstudy if you:
- Have never worked for the University of Pittsburgh
- Have not worked for the University in the past year
- Were terminated by a Pitt department/supervisor in your previous position
- Are a cerificate trainee (fellowship) or transfer student that have not completed I-9 verification
You are a continuing employee/workstudy if you:
- Are currently on Pitt's payroll
- Have worked for the University in the past year
- Were not terminated by a Pitt department/supervisor in your previous position
- Are a current certificate trainee (fellowship) that does not require I-9 verification
New employee/workstudy requirements:
- Post Hire form
- I-9 form
- W-4 form
- Residency Certification/Address Change form
- Pittsburgh Local Tax form
Continuing employee/workstudy requirements:
- You will receive an email from HR that nothing is required.
- In the Biological Sciences Dept. you are paid on a biweekly basis
- Timecards are completed online on My.Pitt.Edu under PRISM, then in Prism TRKS
- Timecards are due on every Monday and must be in Approved Status no later than noon. If you are even one minute later than that you are considered late and your pay will be bounced into the next pay cycle. You may want to get into the habit of logging your hours at the end of the week, on Friday.
- It is very important to log in the hours you work each week, accurately. This means, you are logging in the hours you are working for the week you are working them. Do not hold onto hours and add them together into other days. Careful accounting of each day’s hours is crucial.